Tax Law and Representation before the IRS
Erickson | Sederstrom provides its business and personal clients with legal tax planning advice and representation. This includes issues related to business transactions, 1031 deferred exchanges, executive compensation, employee benefit matters and tax dispute resolution, including offers in compromise, installment agreements, deficiency proceedings and Tax Court litigation.

Planning & Consulting
E|S’s tax attorneys provide business and personal clients with timely, relevant and effective advice regarding their business and personal tax planning needs. E|S’s attorneys will work with you to minimize your tax obligations.

1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges
E|S’s experienced tax and real estate attorneys can consult and advise regarding like kind exchanges, including availability and tax consequences, assist in drafting documents, implementing such transactions, serve as or monitor performance of qualified intermediaries, and otherwise consult and assist in all phases of any transaction.

Business Transactions
E|S’s tax attorneys have the experience to help you plan and execute business transactions to maximize tax benefits. This includes, without limitation, planning for all tax ramifications of mergers, acquisitions, venture capital and other financing transactions.

Executive Compensation
and Benefits
E|S’s tax and employment attorneys can help you design and implement a variety of employee compensation and benefit plans in order to maximize value to all parties and optimize tax consequences.

Dispute Resolution
E|S’s tax attorneys will help you negotiate and settle any and all types of disputes with the IRS or other taxing entities. E|S's attorneys have negotiated and implemented offers in compromise, installment agreements and other forms of resolution. In the event a dispute cannot be resolved, E|S's attorneys have experience in deficiency proceedings and litigating such disputes in Tax Court.

Succession Planning
E|S will consult with you to form the most effective succession plan with an eye toward minimizing your tax obligations and maximizing wealth transfer. E|S’s tax attorneys will work to ensure that your business succession planning, estate planning and tax planning all complement one another to create a comprehensive, multi-front plan to maximize wealth across generations.

Property Tax
E|S can consult and assist with all issues related to property taxes, including applying for and obtaining property tax exemptions, disputing valuations for purposes of property taxes and resolving disputes related to the same.
Erickson | Sederstrom has extensive experience in the Tax Law area.
Call 1-800-279-3756
or contact us online to learn how E|S tax attorneys can help you with your legal needs.