Erickson | Sederstrom has long been recognized for its experience in Construction Law. — Erickson & Sederstrom

Construction Law

Whether drafting contracts, assisting in the planning phase, or litigating any level of a defect case, E|S's respected team of lawyers can provide strong, effective legal counsel.  E|S's attorneys understand the dynamics of construction projects and how to guide clients through potential disputes.

Construction Litigation

E|S has decades of experience prosecuting and defending cases dealing with inadequate contract administration, design and construction defects, pay disputes, project scheduling problems, deficient plans and specifications, construction liens and bond claims, faulty site conditions, and other construction issues.  

Contract Review & Construction Planning

E|S assists with all phases of construction, including negotiation and drafting of construction agreements, review of construction documents, obtaining necessary permits and administrative authorizations, and consultation regarding any legal issues arising throughout the construction process.    

Bond Claims

Our attorneys work with bond companies to investigate and evaluate surety bond claims.  E|S is prepared to litigate whenever necessary.

Negligence Defense

Architects, engineers, and other design professionals face unique risks in their professions.  E|S helps its clients resolve design and construction problems prior to litigation when appropriate, and when necessary, provides aggressive and effective representation throughout the litigation process.

Recognized and Respected

Our attorneys are recognized and respected throughout the construction industry and the legal community.  Many Erickson | Sederstrom attorneys have appeared as lecturers on construction-related topics at seminars across the country, which provides us the opportunity to not just keep abreast of developments in the construction industry but to help shape how those developments are received by the legal community.  Our legal acumen and our extensive experience in construction-related claims make Erickson | Sederstrom the perfect addition to our clients' construction team.  Whether you are experiencing an issue with the construction of a home or a complex commercial project, our team is here to assist you today.


Erickson | Sederstrom has long been recognized for its experience in Construction Law.

Call 1-800-279-3756
or contact us online to learn more.

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