Labor and Employment Law
Erickson | Sederstrom has long been recognized for its experience and expertise in labor and employment law. Its employment and labor relations lawyers represent clients in all areas of labor and employment law.

Human Resource Managers
E|S attorneys regularly advise HR departments and managers in connection with all aspects of HR policies and procedures, including preventative advice, revision and drafting of employee handbooks and policy manuals, and compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Our attorneys handle the full range of legal matters, issues and problems facing employers in today’s highly regulated environment, including defense of employment-related claims, representation in federal and state government investigations and inquiries, advice and counsel on wage & hour issues, OSHA compliance, corporate immigration compliance, federal contractor issues and OFCCP investigations, proprietary information and non-compete agreements, and other areas.

Our labor and employment attorneys advise executives in connection with executive employment and compensation agreements, Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete Agreements, and all related representation and litigation involving Executive Employment Agreements and related issues.

Employment Policies
and Handbooks
Employment relationships are highly regulated, and it is imperative for all employers to have a properly drafted and maintained Employee Handbook and related employment policies. In the current environment, written employment policies and handbooks can be deemed contracts of employment, and our attorneys work with employers to ensure that all written policies are properly drafted and maintained.

Practice Firms
Our employment law and corporate attorneys have extensive experience in advising professional practice groups and firms in proper maintenance of limited liability organizations or professional corporations, including disputes that can arise therein, as well as restructuring or dissolution, and extraction of partners or other professionals.

Employment Disputes
and Litigation
Our employment law attorneys defend employers in all types of employment-related litigation with current or former employees, and also represent and defend employers in connection with administrative investigations, charges and complaints involving employment discrimination, OSHA violations, OFCCP compliance audits, wage and hour investigations, etc.

Employee Benefits
E|S attorneys advise and counsel employers in connection with the development and maintenance of employee benefit plans and ERISA and related compliance issues.

Business Transactions
In any large business transaction, including a merger or acquisition, there are critical employment law issues that must be addressed, e.g. transitioning of employees and employee benefits, federal WARN Act issues, employment policy transitions, issues where a union bargaining unit is involved, etc. Our attorneys advise and counsel companies in connection with large business transactions to ensure all of the critical employment law issues are properly addressed and covered.

Our employment attorneys regularly advise employees, including executives, in connection with individual contract negotiations, early incentive exit packages, severance agreements and all related issues.
Labor and Employment Law
Erickson | Sederstrom's employment and labor relations lawyers are able to provide clients with representation in all areas of labor and employment law, including: employment discrimination; employment litigation; labor-management relations, union avoidance and union negotiations; wage & hour law; OSHA; preventative measures, including union avoidance and proper maintenance of employee manuals and employment related documents; trade secrets and non-compete agreements and litigation; defense of wrongful discharge claims, executive employment agreements; workers’ compensation; and all areas of law related to labor and employment.
Erickson | Sederstrom is the exclusive Nebraska representative in the Employers Counsel Network (ECN), a national network of major law firms with recognized experience in labor and employment law. One of our attorneys is the Editor of the Nebraska Employment Law Letter, a state-specific monthly publication, for M. Lee Smith Publishers, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Erickson | Sederstrom’s employment and labor relations lawyers have represented clients before the Supreme Court of the United States, the circuit courts of the federal system, and before the various state and federal courts and administrative agencies that have jurisdiction over various areas of labor and employment law, including claims of discrimination because of age, sex, disability, national origin, race, and religion.
Our attorneys have developed a number of training programs for employers, with the goal of preventing future problems, claims and litigation in the employment area.
Erickson | Sederstrom has long been recognized for its expertise in Labor and Employment Law. Its attorneys have developed a number of training programs for employers, with the goal of preventing future problems.
Call 1-800-279-3756
or contact us online to learn more.
Employers Counsel Network
The Employers Counsel Network (ECN) is comprised of carefully selected top-level law firms, with just one firm in each of the 50 states, Washington D.C. and Canada, with recognized expertise in labor and employment law.