Wrongful Death


E|S Successful Before Nebraska Supreme Court In Construction Site Accident Case

In Porter v. Knife River, Inc., the Nebraska Supreme Court affirmed the district court for Thurston County’s grant of summary judgment to D.P. Sawyer, Inc., a traffic control and highway striping company. 310 Neb. 946 (2022).  Erickson | Sederstrom’s attorneys aided in the summary judgment and appeal process. 

In the case, the administrator of decedent’s estate sued D.P. Sawyer, along with several other construction contractors, alleging negligent maintenance of a construction site.  The administrator’s claim arose when an Omaha Tribal Police officer bypassed warning signals and road barricades along a highway closed for construction.  The officer then tragically collided with a large crane parked on the closed highway.  The administrator argued the contractors were liable for negligence because the crane was left on the highway without adequate illumination, barricades, or other traffic control, which allegedly caused decedent’s death. 

E|S attorneys argued defendants were entitled to summary judgment because the administrator failed to prove a prima facie case of negligence and that the decedent assumed the risk of harm involved when he bypassed the road barricades.  The Honorable John E. Samson, District Judge, agreed, granting summary judgment in favor of the defendants.  The administrator appealed.

The Nebraska Supreme Court affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment, determining that barricades placed at the termini of a closed highway need not absolutely prevent entrance to the construction area.  Highway contractors are not statutorily required to place additional signals at the termini of a closed highway notifying drivers that the highway utilizes dangerous machinery and may contain potential defects.  This is because warning signals and barricades at the termini thereof already give drivers notice that the highway is under construction and the condition of the highway itself shows that it is under various stages of completion. 

Accordingly, the Nebraska Supreme Court upheld the district court's order granting summary judgment because they offered evidence showing they exercised ordinary care under Nebraska law. 

Erickson | Sederstrom’s experienced litigation group has a long history of success in defending claims arising out of construction projects, vehicle accidents, and all types of injury accidents.  Ross M. Serena or E|S’s litigation attorneys can be reached at 402-397-2200.

Thanks to E|S law clerk Rob Toth for his assistance in preparing the above analysis!