Health Law


Nebraska Supreme Court Clarifies the Duties of Mental Health Professionals

The Nebraska Supreme Court recently clarified duties of mental health professionals to warn and protect third parties from their patients.  In Rodriguez v. Lasting Hope Recovery Ctr. of Cath. Health Initiatives, the court held that mental health professionals owe no duty as a matter of law to third parties for physical injuries caused by a patient who has not “actually communicated” such a threat to their mental health professionals.  The court further determined that a mental health professional’s duty to warn or protect may be met by reasonable efforts to communicate the threat to the third party and law enforcement. 

 Facts of Rodriguez

 In Rodriguez, the Omaha police placed a patient under emergency protective custody and transported him to Lasting Hope because he expressed intentions of killing his mother.  Upon arrival, the patient was assigned a treating psychiatrist.  The patient’s psychiatrist determined the patient was paranoid, homicidal, delusional, and posed a risk for harm to others outside the hospital environment.  The psychiatrist’s determination was based on the patient’s previously expressed intentions of killing his mother.  Therefore, the psychiatrist recommended for the patient five to seven days’ hospitalization for stabilization and safety, and Lasting Hope called the patient’s mother to warn her of his threats.  

 During the patient’s hospitalization, his girlfriend visited and expressed that she no longer wished to be his girlfriend.  The girlfriend was not afforded the same warning as his mother because the patient had not expressed a similar threat against his girlfriend. 

 After six days of compliance with medication and hospitalization by the patient, the psychiatrist concluded the patient was ready to be released.  Further, the patient no longer expressed an intent to harm his mother.  In fact, the patient stated to his psychiatrist that he “had a good conversation” with his mother over the telephone during his hospitalization, and he committed to “not act to harm anyone.”

 The former girlfriend’s body was discovered the following day.  Investigators concluded that the patient strangled his former girlfriend.  The decedent’s parents brought action against Lasting Hope claiming that it was responsible for wrongful death. 

 Duty to Warn & Protect

 The Nebraska Mental Health Practice Act and the Nebraska Psychology Practice Act both contain limits on practitioners’ duties regarding treating patients with mental illness.  These limits were enacted in response to the California Supreme Court's decision in Tarasoff v. Regents of University of California.  There, the court held that a mental health professional “who knows or should know that a patient poses a serious danger of violence to a third party owes a duty to exercise reasonable care to warn and protect that third party.”   

 In the case of Munstermann v. Alegent Health, the Nebraska Supreme Court determined that:

 [A] psychiatrist is liable for failing to warn of and protect from a patient’s threatened violent behavior, or failing to predict and warn of and protect from a patient’s violent behavior, when the patient has communicated to the psychiatrist a serious threat of physical violence against himself, herself, or a reasonably identifiable victim or victims.  The duty to warn of or to take reasonable precautions to provide protection from violent behavior shall arise only under those limited circumstances . . . and shall be discharged by the psychiatrist if reasonable efforts are made to communicate the threat to the victim or victims and to a law enforcement agency.

 Like the Munstermann rule, the Mental Health Practice Act and the Psychology Practice Act explicitly require that for a duty to warn to arise, a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim must be “actually communicated” to a mental health professional.  “Actual communication” requires the patient to verbally express or convey to the psychiatrist their prediction to commit physical violence either against themself or a reasonably identifiable victim.

 The only reasonably identifiable victim the patient “actually communicated” an intent to physically harm was his own mother.  Based on these verbal expressions of threats, the psychiatrist ordered Lasting Hope staff to call the patient’s mother to warn her.  By the time the psychiatrist had ordered the patient’s discharge, she knew that Omaha police were aware of the patient’s threats of physical violence against his mother because Lasting Hope staff had discussed the threats with law enforcement officers, who also warned the patient’s mother.  The patient never actually communicated to his psychiatrist that he intended to harm his former girlfriend; therefore, the psychiatrist had no duty to warn her.

 Under the Munstermann rule, psychiatrists owe no duty as a matter of law to third parties for physical injuries caused by a patient who have not “actually communicated” a threat of physical violence.  Once an “actual communication” has taken place, any duty to warn or protect on the part of the psychiatrist can be discharged by reasonable efforts to communicate the threat to the victim and a law enforcement agency.  Here, the patient’s lack of communicated threats against his former girlfriend meant that no duty to warn or protect was triggered for the psychiatrist.  The former girlfriend’s death was not legally attributable to a breach of duty by the psychiatrist or Lasting Hope because the patient never “actually communicated” that he intended to harm his former girlfriend. 

 Future Developments

 When faced with a patient who “actually communicates” a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable individual, mental health professionals have a duty to both warn and protect that individual.  However, these duties shall be discharged by the psychiatrist if reasonable efforts are made to communicate the threat to both the individual and to a law enforcement agency.

 Erickson | Sederstrom has provided counsel to mental health and other practitioners for decades.  Please consult with one of our attorneys if you have questions regarding impact of the Rodriguez decision and how mental health practitioners can minimize their legal risks.

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act’s Tax Credits – ACA Unchanged for Employers

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) tax subsidies in States that utilize rather than a State operated health insurance market. The dispute in the case of King v. Burwell was viewed by many observers and healthcare professionals as one that could have crippled the ACA had the Court ruled differently.  

At the center of the dispute in King were the words “established by the State.” According to a strict reading of the ACA, it appeared that the tax credits, so important to helping people with income below a certain level attain health insurance, were only available in States that had established their own health insurance exchange. The Plaintiffs, four individuals from Virginia, argued that the ACA was written to encourage States to develop their own health insurance exchanges and that the exclusion of tax credits for States that refused to do so was intentional. The Defendants, Federal Government representatives from Health and Human Services, the Department of the Treasury, and the Internal Revenue Service, argued a strict interpretation should not be adopted because it would result in absurd results when applied in other parts of the ACA. 

In a 6-3 decision, the Court agreed with the Defendants. The Court mentioned that although the plain language was clear, a strict reading was untenable when considering the structure and function of the ACA as a whole.  

In a strongly worded dissent, Justice Scalia, joined by Justices Thomas and Alito, noted that the decision effectively means that the plain language of a statute can be molded to the whims of the Court. “Words no longer have meaning if an [e]xchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the state,’” wrote Justice Scalia (emphasis in original). The dissent goes on to note that  the Court has effectively rewritten the law and that perhaps the ACA should be known as “SCOTUScare,” rather than “Obamacare,” as it is currently known to some.  

This has been a momentous session for the Supreme Court. Just one day after its ruling in King v. Burwell, the Court mandated that all states allow and acknowledge same sex marriage in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges.  

Corporate entities should follow the political path of the ACA as it progresses.  While many of the constitutional challenges to the ACA have now been resolved, more than one of the presidential candidates have mentioned seeking to completely repeal the ACA if they are elected.  For more information on the Affordable Care Act, or other healthcare, labor, and employment issues, please contact Adam B. Kuenning with Erickson | Sederstrom.