Trucking Trial Success

Elisban Bazan v. Elite Fleet Hauling LLC & Eric Gonser

Cass County, Nebraska

Judge Michael Smith

CI 22-31

 Last week, Matt Quandt and Tom Culhane defended a trucking company and driver at trial in Cass County, Nebraska. The rearend accident occurred on Interstate 80 in January 2020.

 Plaintiff Bazan was represented by Pesek Law LLC. In discovery, they alleged $12,509,424 in total damages. They alleged a traumatic brain injury, chronic post-traumatic headaches, and a permanent neck injury. One week before trial, they proposed a $3,500,000-1,500,000 high-low agreement. At trial, Plaintiff’s counsel put on over two days of evidence, including four fact witnesses and three medical experts, and asked for over $2,010,000 million in closing.

 One week before trial, defendants offered $70,000. At trial, Matt and Tom admitted liability, put on less than two hours of evidence, and suggested $45,000.

 After only two hours of deliberation, the unanimous jury returned a verdict for only $100,000.